Land Acquisition

Session could have been worse but it was still bad, environmentalists say

The Florida legislative session went off track early Saturday, taking several bills with it that were supported by business and industry groups and opposed by environmentalists. But environmentalists were not in a celebratory mood as the Legislature passed bills gutting state growth management and placing the burden of proof on those who file legal challenges […]

Session could have been worse but it was still bad, environmentalists say Read More »

Florida environmentalists uneasy as legislative session enters second half

With the Legislative session more than half over, some environmentalists are saying the session already has been bad enough. But at least one veteran environmental lobbyist says the worst could be yet to come. The Legislature is showing little interest in providing new money for the Florida Forever land-buying program while at the same time

Florida environmentalists uneasy as legislative session enters second half Read More »

Senate budget chief wants land sales to pay for new purchases

The Senate’s budget chief says selling state land could help the Florida Forever land-buying program survive these lean budget times. A proposed Senate version of the 2011-12 state budget includes $308 million in spending authority for the program. But the money would have to come from the sale of land the state now owns. Florida

Senate budget chief wants land sales to pay for new purchases Read More »

Governor skips Florida Forever rally, visits with Tea Party

Gov. Rick Scott skipped a rally for the Florida Forever conservation land-buying program but attended a nearby “Tea Party” rally on the opening day of the legislative session. Florida Forever was the largest land-buying program in the nation from 1990 to 2008, when funding was reduced. Scott offered no money for the program in his

Governor skips Florida Forever rally, visits with Tea Party Read More »

Big Cypress land deal goes through despite concerns

In their final meeting before all four members leave office, Gov. Charlie Crist and the Cabinet voted Tuesday to approve the transfer of 29,412 acres of state land to the federal government as an addition to Big Cypress National Preserve. The Cabinet also approved an option to purchase a 2,848-acre conservation easement in Polk County

Big Cypress land deal goes through despite concerns Read More »